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Saturday 31 December 2011

Strangers #5

Jellllllooooo :) hey there this will the last post and i wanna wish you happy ney year.hahahah.kay i want to leave this blog for a while #lamamamama.nanti bila aku balek from hostel i'll edit it okay

May 2012 fill your life with warmth and happiness and may the almighty shun the darkness from your soul.

Strangers #4

2011 wanna say goood bye andI'm gonna miss 2011 and hope for the best in 2012. Nothing much can be cried on, laughed off or regret for because all we left are memories and experiences that made us the person who we are now. 

10, 9, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! That was the countdown that I will be we hear this night.What I mean this night is tthe end for 2011. Haha unfortunate for me because there is no big celebration and fireworks in Sungai Petani.. Ok, 2011 will leaving us and giving 2012 the way to be with us for the next 365 days. More challenges and memories will be down the lane for us.Hahaha.tudiaa aku merapu pa ni.Ok cukup dengan slang BI tu and akuber-BM balek ye.tahun depan aku mau azam .tak nak main main lagi coz tahun dpan la sejarah hidup aku akan di tatap di hati and aku nak yang the best not the worst.Hoho,booleh ke Izzat.haha.kita kenala think positive and mau ke hadapan.hal temeh tu ketepikan and let's the new life bgin.trolololol.:D

Lets pray for the best and hope that 2012 will be better and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. So long :)

Strangers #3

Okay shool breaks wanna say good bye to us. Wahahahha! tak mau ah aku pergi sekolah.cuti taak puas laa. cuti ni aku dah korban for tuition tapi for my entertainment..NOO! beluum lagii.semua aku rancang taak adi.tapi apa pun aku mesti ke sekolah dengan semangat yang tinggi dan aku mesti berazam untuk mencapai kecemerlangan pada tahun 2012 memandangkan tahun depan aku nak ambil PMr.huahaha.takut laa.aku takut kalau aku tak dapat 8A and i will hurt my parents' heart.aku tak mahu.aku nak buat dorang bangga.aku tak mau dorang dikutuk disebabkan aku ni kan budak sbp jadi no wonderlah boleh dapat ke tak tapi tak dapat.Hukhuk.tak mau.aku kena kerja kuat dari first aku jejak kat sekolah tu nanti with the new spirit and aku janji kat mak bapak aku that i'll try my best and buat dorang bangga.

Strangers #2

Ah! ape kena ni.aku cukup tak suka kalau orang kata macam tu.kenapa kau baet ah? :PJust please stop saying 'Lagikan Nabi Muhammad ampunkan ummat-nya inikan kita manusia biasa' or 'Forgive and forget'. Those are all bullshit! Because it is not easy to forgive others and it is totally hard to just forget it. Prophet Muhammad is perfect but not us, am I right? I learnt few things today. Every single move I made, every single thoughts I think, every single things that happened I just can't keep on lying to myself. I seek for forgiveness but I did get it, people asked for forgiveness but I hardly give it back. So that is how my world turns now.

People say 'What comes around comes all the way back around' but is that true? Maybe for some people it implies perfectly but not ALL. believe me not ALL. There are people outside there that is far way lucky that us. Unfortunately they're not us. Today I've gone through a lot. Man, I wish I can cry to myself and say 'YOU DESERVE THAT IZZAT'. Things are coming back to me now.

Strangers #1

Ahahaha..yeah that's me who likes to laugh. siapakah? Okay this is the first post for this blog and i hope korang dengar je lagu Diam Diam nie and baca this.

My name is Izzat.Just call me like that.jangan la nak meraban nak bagi gelaran tak elok kat aku.orang kate tak bek.i am a boy who went Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa #tudiaapanjangnyanamasekolahdiaa.
Ahakahaks:P macam nak cakap ea.susah ar kalau berblogging ne.kalau nak kenal lagi bukak my facebokk ang chat with me kay.:P kalau aku ignore tu maksudnya time tu maybe aku tension or i hate you.Lols :O i'm just kidding.kay this is my photos that were taken time Encik Phua bersara.time ne bukan aku nak nuikah pun tapi baru melepas sajak.Hoho dahla lupa time tu nasib baik la Sarah cover :p biasalakan orang gemuruh.